Another anti-pattern is to complete all unit testing before doing integration testing, again delaying identification of major issues. 另一个反模式是在进行整体测试前完成所有单元测试,援引同样是延迟了主要问题的识别。
As the name suggests, this strategy is used when the application's client layer must make one or more calls to the API layer to complete a single transactional unit of work. 我的建议仍然是,在应用程序的客户端层必须向API层发起一个或多个调用才能完成单个事务工作单元时使用此策略。
This is useful to complete initial unit testing, but rarely sufficient to ensure quality code. 这对于初始单元测试有效,但很难保证获得优质的代码。
The link server drives the appropriate functions on the CICS OTS ( OT) domain to complete the unit of work. 链接服务器在CICSOTS(OT)域中驱动适当的函数以便完成工作单元。
An important point here is that a complete, deployable unit for the BPWS4J runtime consists of 这里,很重要的一点是,完整的、可部署的BPWS4J运行时单元由以下部分组成
The other system uses a complete mechanical drum brake unit mounted inside the rear rotor. 碟式刹车夹制器装置另一种系统采用安装在后刹车碟上的全机械鼓式制动。
The complete unit is mounted on legs. The whole equipment can be assembled and dismantled in a matter of hours. 整套设备装在几个柱脚上。整套设备可以在几小时内安装或拆卸完毕。
Certificate of conformity: each complete sulfur solidification unit shall have certificate and certificate of steels with model, size, applicable medium, manufacturer name and production date. 出厂合格证书:每台硫磺成型成套设备必须具有合格证书、钢板材质合格证书,并注明型号、规格、适用介质、制造商名称、生产日期。
The modules must be replaced either as a complete unit or individually, depending on the part number of the installed bar ignition modules; see?" Action required: ". 这些模块必须作为整体部件单元或者作为单个零件进行更换,具体取决于所安装的杆式点火模块的零件号;参见?“所需操作:”。
Coolant mechanism cooling vat, for milk, incorporating a complete refrigerating unit or an evaporator of a refrigerating unit 冷却装置,冷却机理牛奶冷藏车,装有全套制冷装置或制冷装置蒸发器
When replacement is necessary, the complete hydraulic unit must be replaced. 当有必要进行更换时,必须更换液压单元总成。
The brick-making machine in the utility model does not stir up the feed during the daubing and working efficiency of the complete unit is increased by almost a fold. 本实用新型制砖机打泥时不会翻料,整机的工作效率能提高近一倍;
If the day is a complete unit words, nap is a gas station, rest pavilion. 如果说人的一天是一个完整生活单元的话,午睡就是一个加油站、休息亭。
The HW servomotors are water-cooled Brushless Synchronous motors delivered as individual components ( rotor, stator and resolver) to make a complete spindle unit. 在硬件伺服电机是水冷主轴单元一个完整的无刷同步电机,使各个组件交付(转子,定子和解析器)。
The article brings economy system and environmental resources into a complete unit, and studies the theory and method of greened economy model in depth. 本文将经济体系与资源环境置于同一个系统之内,对“绿色经济”模型的构建理论、模拟方法等若干理论与方法问题进行了深入研究。
Constituting a complete and independent unit in and of itself. 在内部构成或者自己构成完整、独立的个体。
ASSEMBLY, The fitting together of a complete structure or unit. 装配,组合成一个完整的结构或组件的过程。
The city ( county) scale as the complete basic unit of our land management and urban land classification is significant for utilizing land resource effectively. 市(县)级尺度作为我国土地管理的完整基层单位,城镇土地分等对合理利用市(县)域土地资源,具有重要的现实意义。
Just as natural ecosystem, this is an interaction and interdependent relationship, forming a complete unit through circulation and flow of energy substance and information. 与自然生态系统一样,这是一种相互作用和相互依存的关系,通过能量、物质和信息的反复循环和流动,构成一个有机的整体。
Firstly, in the thesis, the linkage control function of two representative intelligent subsystems in building automation system is analysed as a complete unit in detail. 论文首先将楼宇自动化系统作为一个有机的整体,对楼宇自动化系统中两个典型的智能子系统&保安监控系统和消防报警系统的联动控制功能进行了详细分析。
The constitutional feature of a new complete countercurrent mixer-settler unit, its main advantages, and its performances in solvent extraction tests are stated. 本文概述了全逆流混合澄清器的结构特征、主要优点和试验结果。
As a complete unit, the effect of sol-impregnation treatment on the sliding behavior of composite with high graphitization is higher than that of the composite with low graphitization. 石墨化度高的材料的摩擦行为受浸渍溶胶的影响高于石墨化度低的材料。
The Loess Plateau is a complete and integrated geographical unit, and the serious maladjustment in regional population, resource, environment and development system ( abbreviation: PRED system) is the most typical integrated characteristic of it. 黄土高原地区是一个典型的综合地理单元,人口(Population)-资源(Resource)-环境(Environment)-发展(Development)系统(简称PRED系统)严重失调是其最典型的综合特征。
The County Administrative Region as the relatively complete basic geographical unit of Chief of the implementation of macro-economic management will help local governments to deploy elements of the district allocation of resources, and it is the is the most appropriate space for feet of Urban-rural Co-ordination. 而县级行政区作为我国实施宏观行政和经济管理的相对完整的基本地域单元,有助于地方政府调配区内资源要素配置,是统筹城乡发展最适宜的空间尺度。
The watershed is a relatively complete geographic unit. 流域是一个相对完整的地理单元。
Will use a one-dimensional fluid dynamics software GT-Power muffler preliminary design complete its basic muffler unit and its structure and properties of numerical analysis and simulation. 消声器初步设计完成后,运用一维流体力学软件GT-Power对其基本消声单元及其结构性能进行数值分析和仿真计算。
The system framework based on J2EE technology, integration of agile development methods to complete the system unit testing, functional testing and performance testing. 本系统基于J2EE框架技术实现,融合敏捷开发方法,完成了系统单元测试、功能测试和性能测试。
In fact, we should review the articular cartilage and subchondral bone as a complete functional unit, not two kind separate or isolate tissues. 事实上,我们应将关节软骨和软骨下骨视为一个完整的功能单元,而非孤立或分别地看待这两种组织。
Hardware system design is to complete the baseband processor unit design of radar system, including choosing the A/ D converter, determining the DSP chip and its peripheral circuit operating frequency, connections of DSP and MCU. 硬件系统设计,完成对雷达测速仪基带处理单元的设计,包括A/D转换器的选择,确定DSP芯片及其外围电路的工作频率元器件的选择,硬件连接电路的设计,工作方式设置等。
Sentential semantics is a key branch of semantics which takes sentence as a complete unit to study its meaning and the very relations between each unit. 句子语义学又是语义学的重要分支,它将句子当作一个完整的单位来探索其意思以及句与句的关系。